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Situated in the outskirts of Ueda in Nagano prefecture, this traditional wooden house was bought by the clients as a weekend house as well as a future retirement house for their parents. At first, the existing building was of no interest as the clients wanted to dismantle it and build a new house on the plot. However, after a first site visit, we began questioning this strategy as we discovered the existing house that was of a really well made traditional craftsmanship.
▼景观俯瞰,Ariel view of the project©Kenta Hasegawa
▼景观外不雅,exterior of the project©Kenta Hasegawa
In the process of dismantling the walls, we discovered that the wooden structure was not only of a rare beauty and artisanship, but that they were marked by their date and that before long it would be their 100th anniversary. This discovery made up our minds and we decided to restore, revisit, update and protect rather than destroy, so as to give an historical landmark to this ever changing context.
▼木结构上的日历标注,wooden structure marked by their date©Kenta Hasegawa
▼一层平面,ground floor plan©1110建築設計事務所
By carefully understanding the needed surface for the clients program, we verified the existing structure and restored it when needed while decreasing the footprint of the overall dwelling. Thanks to the knowledge of the local shrine carpenters we drew new plans that were maximizing the amount of openings without the need for too many load bearing walls.
▼一层空间,ground floor space©Kenta Hasegawa
▼面向花坛,facing the garden©Kenta Hasegawa
▼楼梯下的书架,the shelf under the staircase©Kenta Hasegawa
▼厨房,kitchen©Kenta Hasegawa
The house turns around a central wall where shelves and stairs are placed.That central focal point is not only of a structural importance as it holds the structural reinforcements, but also stresses the north/south partition of the overall layout. From that central point, we arranged the study on the north side looking up at a beautiful field in the foreground and at chains of mountains in the background. The south side spaces house the living room and dining room and open up to a wooden deck and peaceful adjacent garden. The attic space on the second floor was also rethought in order to not only house three bedrooms but also bring light to the whole house with a new atrium space. The ceilings of the ground floor’s study are made of acrylic panels so as to create a continuum of reflecting lights between the garden and the second floor atrium.
▼北侧的学习区域面向旷野和群山,study area facing the field and mountain©Kenta Hasegawa
Overall, the result is a flexible structure that maximizes openings so as to create large perspectives as well as creating very bright spaces. This structure enables the clients to transform their house into an exhibition space when needed, as well as a guesthouse when they are not around.
▼楼梯,staircase©Kenta Hasegawa
▼卧室,bedroom©Kenta Hasegawa
With this project, we aimed to create an example of a simple and uncostly refurbishment, in order to protect rather than destroy, so the house can hopefully live another 100 years. The house has won the 2022 Nagano Prefecture’s Architectural Award in the preservation category as well as the 2023 price of excellence of the Japanese Association House Renovation.
▼细部,detail©Kenta Hasegawa
▼夜景,night view©Kenta Hasegawa
▼时局区位,site location©1110 Office of Architecture
▼二层平面,first floor plan©1110 Office of Architecture
▼立面,elevation©1110 Office of Architecture
▼剖面,section©1110 Office of Architecture
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